If you cannot forgive, then you are not ready or expected to be in a relationship, not to talk of marriage, because In Marriage, many things will come, you will be deeply offended, but it takes forgiveness to sustain that union.

Marriage is not a bed of roses, there are bad times and there are also good times.

One of the reasons why God wants us to forgive each other is because forgiving each other strengthen our relationship with God.

Forgiveness is needed in every aspect of your life, not only in marriage.

When you are doing good back to people that did bad to you, God will definitely reward you and one significant thing that I have learnt is that, if you are holding unto someone without forgiving the person, you are actually blocking God from blessing you, so untill you let God of that pain and grudges, you cannot receive anything from God.

The bible said that you should pray for those who despise fully use you, and I don't know about you but I have been despise fully used by people in my life.

You cannot go through the journey of Christianity without being properly guilded by the holy Spirit and the bible, it takes the holy Spirit to have a forgiving heart because you cannot do it alone, so stop deceiving yourself.

There are times where you will be totally broken, but it takes the holy Spirit to mold it back or to strengthen you.

As a Christian, you are not expected to hold grudges, I know it might be hard, but with the holy spirit, it becomes an easy thing.

When you forgive, you have given God the chance to also forgive and provide for you.

There is peace that comes from your inside when you forgive, it seems as if something or a burden has been lifted up, so when you come across people that have offended you, all you need to do is to let go.

The best way to deal with this, is to love, love keeps no record of wrongs, love is your greatest weapon to fight getting offended, so fight with love.

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