WHen boys get hørny

The 🍆rīses and gets hārd


Her pūššy swells..

Clītøris enlārges and tīckled..

Añus dilates..

Heārt bēats faster..

Tēmperature rises...

Pvssy gets wēt

Nipplês gets thickēr and hārdened....

Emøtions gūshes through her face..

Cøuntenance seems nēedy...

She førgets heavenly rāce..

She førgets she is a choir in the church..

She løøses her høme training..

Her father's wārnings doesn't count anymøre...

Her mothers pleadings fālls on dēāf ears..

She is ready to be rāmmed and slāughtēred

Her wómb cālls for pūncturing...

Her bræst wants to be dēalt with..

Her vāg!na walls bēgs for hēāling...

She is about to dīe...

In the next 5minutes, if no øne answers...

The gate man would løøse his jøb..

The plumber becomes attrāctive...

Her laundry man is in the detāil..

Her colleague at work becomes attrāctive...

Her landlords son is her ideāl man...

She can't høld it anymore...

No one is cøming through...

Cūcūmber is wīnking at her..

Even bøttle becomes sedüctive...

Hmmmmmm Women 🙄😒🚶🚶🚶

Fēār Women

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